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List of Victoria Cross recipients (N–Z)

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A bronze cross pattée bearing the crown of Saint Edward surmounted by a lion with the inscription FOR VALOUR. A crimson ribbon is attached
The Victoria Cross

The Victoria Cross (VC) is the highest award of the United Kingdom honours system. It is awarded for gallantry "in the face of the enemy" to members of the British armed forces. It may be awarded posthumously. It was previously awarded to Commonwealth countries, most of which have established their own honours systems and no longer recommend British honours. It may be awarded to a person of any military rank in any service and to civilians under military command although no civilian has received the award since 1879. Since the first awards were presented by Queen Victoria in 1857, two thirds of all awards have been personally presented by the British monarch. These investitures are usually held at Buckingham Palace.

The first citations of the VC, particularly those in the initial gazette of 24 February 1857, varied in the details of each action; some specify date ranges while some specify a single date. The original Royal Warrant did not contain a specific clause regarding posthumous awards, although official policy was to not award the VC posthumously.[1] Between 1897 and 1901, several notices were issued in the London Gazette regarding soldiers who would have been awarded the VC had they survived. In a partial reversal of policy in 1902, six of the soldiers mentioned were granted the VC, but not "officially" awarded the medal. In 1907, the posthumous policy was completely reversed and medals were sent to the next of kin of the six soldiers.[2] The Victoria Cross warrant was not officially amended to explicitly allow posthumous awards until 1920, but one quarter of all awards for the First World War were posthumous.[1][3] Three people have been awarded the VC and Bar, which is a medal for two actions; Noel Chavasse, Arthur Martin-Leake and Charles Upham.[4] Chavasse received both medals for actions in the First World War, while Martin-Leake was awarded his first VC for actions in the Second Boer War, and his second for actions during the First World War. Charles Upham received both VCs for actions during the Second World War.

The Victoria Cross has been awarded 1,358 times to 1,355 individual recipients. The largest number of recipients for one campaign is the First World War, for which 628 medals were awarded to 627 recipients.[5] The largest number awarded for actions on a single day was 24 on 16 November 1857, at the Second Relief of Lucknow, during the Indian Mutiny.[6] The largest number awarded for a single action was 18, for the assault on Sikandar Bagh, during the Second Relief of Lucknow. The largest number awarded to one unit during a single action was seven, to the 2nd/24th Foot, for the defence of Rorke's Drift (22–23 January 1879), during the Zulu War.[7] Since 1991, Australia, Canada and New Zealand have created their own separate Victoria Crosses: the Victoria Cross for Australia, the Victoria Cross for Canada, and the Victoria Cross for New Zealand. Only three of these separate medals have been awarded, all for actions in the War in Afghanistan; Willie Apiata received the Victoria Cross for New Zealand on 26 July 2007; Mark Donaldson received the Victoria Cross for Australia on 16 January 2009; and Ben Roberts-Smith was awarded the Victoria Cross for Australia on 23 January 2011.[8] As these are separate medals, they are not included in this list.[9]

The youngest recipient of the VC was Andrew Fitzgibbon, who was fifteen at the time of the action that earned him the VC. By comparison, the oldest recipient was William Raynor at 61 at the time of his action in 1857.[10] There have been several VCs awarded to close relatives. Four pairs of brothers and three fathers and sons have been awarded the VC. In his book Victoria Cross Heroes, Lord Ashcroft notes the story of the Gough family as possibly the "bravest family." Major Charles Gough was awarded the VC in 1857 for saving his brother, Lieutenant Hugh Gough, who in the same year went on to win a VC of his own, after he charged enemy guns. Charles' son, John Gough, then went on to win the family's third VC in 1903.[11]

Recipients (N–Z)


By default this list sorts alphabetically. Indian and Nepalese convention is for the family name first and the given name second;[12] this is reflected in this list. The rank column sorts by the rank of the recipient at the time of the action. This column sorts by the comparative rank of the recipient within the British Armed Forces command structure. Within the British Armed Forces the Navy is the Senior Service, followed by the Army and then the Royal Air Force (RAF).

  •   This along with a * indicates that the Victoria Cross was awarded posthumously.
Name Rank Unit Campaign Date of action
Namdeo Jadav NOR-2.2Sepoy Maratha Light Infantry Second World War 1945-04-099 April 1945
Nand Singh NOR-4.2Acting Naik Sikh Regiment Second World War 1944-03-1111–12 March 1944
William Napier NOR-5.2Sergeant 01313th Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1858-04-066 April 1858
William Nash NOR-4.2Corporal Rifle BrigadeRifle Brigade Indian Mutiny 1858-03-1111 March 1858
Martin Nasmith OF-3.3Lieutenant Commander HMS E11 First World War 1915-05-2020 May 1915 to
8 June 1915
Philip Neame OF-1.6Lieutenant Corps of Royal Engineers First World War 1914-12-1919 December 1914
Samuel Needham NOR-2.2Private Bedfordshire Regiment First World War 1918-09-1010–11 September 1918
Thomas Neely NOR-4.2Corporal King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) First World War 1918-09-2727 September 1918*
David Nelson NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Horse Artillery First World War 1914-09-011 September 1914
Randolph Nesbitt OF-2.2Captain Mashonaland Mounted Police Mashona Rebellion 1896-06-1919 June 1896
Netrabahadur Thapa OF-2.2Acting Subadar 0055th Gurkha Rifles Second World War 1944-06-2525–26 June 1944
John Nettleton OF-3.1Squadron Leader No. 044No. 44 Squadron RAF Second World War 1942-04-1717 April 1942
Robert Newell NOR-2.2Private 0099th Queen's Royal Lancers Indian Mutiny 1858-03-1919 March 1858
James Newland OF-2.2Captain 01212th Battalion, AIF First World War 1917-04-077–14 April 1917[D]
Augustus Newman OF-4.2Lieutenant Colonel Essex Regiment Second World War 1942-03-2828 March 1942
William Newton OF-1.5Flight Lieutenant No. 022No. 22 Squadron RAAF Second World War 1943-03-1616–18 March 1943*[F]
Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Ngarimu OF-1.2Second Lieutenant 02828th Māori Battalion, NZEF Second World War 1943-03-2626–27 March 1943*
Henry Nicholas NOR-2.2Private Canterbury Regiment, NZEF First World War 1917-12-033 December 1917
Harry Nicholls NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Grenadier Guards Second World War 1940-05-2121 May 1940
William Nickerson OF-1.6Lieutenant Royal Army Medical Corps Second Boer War 1900-04-2020 April 1900
Eric Nicolson OF-1.5Flight Lieutenant No. 249No. 249 Squadron RAF Second World War 1940-08-1616 August 1940
Cecil Noble NOR-4.2Acting Corporal Prince Consort's Own (Rifle Brigade) First World War 1915-03-1212 March 1915
William Norman NOR-2.2Private 0077th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1854-12-1919 December 1854
Gerard Norton OF-1.6Lieutenant Kaffrarian Rifles Second World War 1944-08-3131 August 1944
John Norwood OF-1.2Second Lieutenant 0055th Dragoon Guards Second Boer War 1899-10-3030 October 1899
Claude Nunney NOR-2.2Private 03838th Battalion, CEF First World War 1918-09-011–2 September 1918
George Nurse NOR-4.2Corporal Royal Field Artillery Second Boer War 1899-12-1515 December 1899
James Ockendon NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Dublin Fusiliers First World War 1917-10-044 October 1917
Luke O'Connor NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Welch Fusiliers Crimean War 1854-09-2020 September 1854
William Odgers NOR-4.3Leading Seaman HMS Niger New Zealand Wars 1860-03-2828 March 1860
Timothy O'Hea NOR-2.2Private Rifle Brigade [A] 1866-06-099 June 1866
Christopher O'Kelly OF-2.2Acting Captain 05252nd Battalion, CEF First World War 1917-10-2626 October 1917
Michael O'Leary NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Irish Guards First World War 1915-02-011 February 1915
William Olpherts OF-2.2Captain Bengal Artillery Indian Mutiny 1857-09-2525 September 1857
Martin O'Meara NOR-2.2Private 01616th Battalion, AIF First World War 1916-08-099–12 August 1916
John O'Neill NOR-5.2Sergeant Prince of Wales's Leinster Regiment First World War 1918-10-1414 October 1918
George Onions NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Devonshire Regiment First World War 1918-08-2222 August 1918
John Ormsby NOR-5.2Sergeant King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) First World War 1917-04-1414 April 1917
Michael O'Rourke NOR-2.2Private 0077th Battalion, CEF First World War 1917-08-1515–17 August 1917
John Osborn NOR-8.2Company Sergeant Major Winnipeg Grenadiers Second World War 1941-12-1919 December 1941*
James Osborne NOR-2.2Private Northamptonshire Regiment First Boer War 1881-02-2222 February 1881
Gerald O'Sullivan OF-2.2Captain Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers First World War 1915-07-011–2 July 1915
Edmund O'Toole NOR-5.2Sergeant Cape Frontier Light Horse Anglo-Zulu War 1879-07-033 July 1879
James Owens NOR-4.2Corporal 04949th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1854-10-3030 October 1854
William Oxenham NOR-4.2Corporal 03232nd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-06-3030 June 1857
Anthony Palmer NOR-2.2Private Grenadier Guards Crimean War 1854-10-055 November 1854
Frederick Palmer NOR-5.0Lance-Sergeant Royal Fusiliers First World War 1917-02-1616–17 February 1917
Robert Palmer OF-3.1Squadron Leader No. 109No. 109 Squadron RAF Second World War 1944-12-2323 December 1944*
James Park NOR-2.2Gunner Bengal Artillery Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1414 November 1857 to
22 November 1857[D]
John Park NOR-5.2Sergeant 07777th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1855-04-1919 April 1855
Parkash Singh NOR-5.2Havildar 0088th Punjab Regiment Second World War 1943-01-066 January 1943
Charles Parker NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Horse Artillery Second Boer War 1900-03-3131 March 1900
Walter Parker NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Royal Marine Light Infantry First World War 1915-04-3030 April 1915 to
1 May 1915
Samuel Parkes NOR-2.2Private 0044th Light Dragoons Crimean War 1854-10-2525 October 1854
Frederick Parslow Mercantile Marine Master[E] Royal Naval Reserve First World War 1915-07-044 July 1915*
Francis Parsons OF-1.6Lieutenant Essex Regiment Second Boer War 1900-02-1818 February 1900
Hardy Parsons OF-1.2Acting Second Lieutenant Gloucestershire Regiment First World War 1917-08-2020–21 August 1917
Frank Partridge NOR-2.2Private 0088th Battalion, AIF Second World War 1945-07-2424 July 1945
George Paton OF-2.2Acting Captain Grenadier Guards First World War 1917-12-011 December 1917*
John Paton NOR-5.2Sergeant 09393rd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1616 November 1857
John Pattison NOR-2.2Private 05050th Battalion, CEF First World War 1917-04-1010 April 1917
Keith Payne NOR-8.2Warrant Officer Class II Australian Army Training Team Vietnam Vietnam War 1969-05-2424 May 1969
George Peachment NOR-2.2Private King's Royal Rifle Corps First World War 1915-09-2525 September 1915*
George Pearkes OF-3.2Acting Major 0055th Battalion Canadian Mounted Rifles First World War 1917-10-3030–31 October 1917
Samuel Pearse NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Fusiliers North Russia Relief Force 1919-08-2929 August 1919*
James Pearson NOR-2.2Private 08686th Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1858-04-033 April 1858
John Pearson NOR-2.2Private 0088th King's Royal Irish Hussars Indian Mutiny 1858-06-1717 June 1858
Cyrus Peck OF-4.2Lieutenant Colonel 01616th Battalion, CEF First World War 1918-09-022 September 1918
William Peel OF-5.3Captain Naval Brigade Crimean War 1854-10-1818 October 1854[D]
5 November 1854
18 June 1855
Walter Peeler NOR-3.2Lance Corporal 0033rd Battalion, AIF First World War 1917-10-044 October 1917
Henry Pennell OF-1.6Lieutenant Sherwood Foresters Tirah Campaign 1897-10-2020 October 1897
Henry Percy OF-5.2Colonel Grenadier Guards Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
John Perie NOR-2.2Sapper Corps of Royal Engineers Crimean War 1855-06-1818 June 1855
Frederick Peters OF-5.3Acting Captain HMS Walney Second World War 1942-11-088 November 1942
Everard Phillipps OF-1.2Ensign 01111th Bengal Native Infantry Indian Mutiny 1857-05-3030 May 1857 to
18 September 1857[D]
Robert Phillips OF-1.6Temp. Lieutenant Royal Warwickshire Regiment First World War 1917-01-2525 January 1917
Edmund Phipps-Hornby OF-3.2Major Royal Horse Artillery Second Boer War 1900-03-3131 March 1900
Arthur Pickard OF-1.2Ensign Royal Artillery New Zealand Wars 1863-11-2020 November 1863
Ernest Pitcher NOR-5.3Petty Officer HMS Dunraven First World War 1917-08-088 August 1917
Henry Pitcher OF-1.6Lieutenant 0044th Punjab Infantry Umbeyla Campaign 1863-10-3030 October 1863
James Pitts NOR-2.2Private Manchester Regiment Second Boer War 1900-01-066 January 1900
Basil Place OF-2.3Lieutenant HMS X7 Second World War 1943-09-2222 September 1943
Alfred Pollard OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Honourable Artillery Company First World War 1917-04-2929 April 1917
James Pollock NOR-4.2Corporal Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders First World War 1915-09-2727 September 1915
Charles Pope OF-1.6Lieutenant 01111th Battalion, AIF First World War 1917-04-1515 April 1917*
Patrick Porteous OF-2.2Temp. Captain Royal Regiment of Artillery Second World War 1942-08-1919 August 1942
Frederick Potts NOR-2.2Private Berkshire Yeomanry First World War 1915-08-2121 August 1915
Arthur Poulter NOR-2.2Private Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) First World War 1918-04-1010 April 1918
Prakash Singh Chib NOR-9.9Jemadar 01313th Frontier Force Rifles Second World War 1945-02-1616–17 February 1945*
Premindra Bhagat OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Corps of Indian Engineers Second World War 1941-01-3131 January 1941 to
1 February 1941
Harry Prendergast OF-1.6Lieutenant Madras Engineers Indian Mutiny 1857-11-2121 November 1857
John Prettyjohns NOR-4.2Corporal Royal Marine Light Infantry Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
Llewelyn Price-Davies OF-1.6Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps Second Boer War 1901-09-1717 September 1901
Thomas Pride NOR-5.3Captain of the Afterguard Royal Navy Bombardment of Shimonoseki 1864-09-066 September 1864
Dighton Probyn OF-2.2Captain 0022nd Punjab Cavalry Indian Mutiny 1857-00-001857 to
Arthur Procter NOR-2.2Private King's (Liverpool Regiment) First World War 1916-06-044 June 1916
Joseph Prosser NOR-2.2Private 0011st Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1855-06-1616 June 1855
George Prowse NOR-7.2Chief Petty Officer Royal Naval Division First World War 1918-09-022 September 1918
Thomas Pryce OF-2.2Acting Captain Grenadier Guards First World War 1918-04-1111–12 April 1918*
John Purcell NOR-2.2Private 0099th Queen's Royal Lancers Indian Mutiny 1857-06-1919 June 1857
Charles Pye NOR-8.2Sergeant Major 05353rd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1717 November 1857
Lionel Queripel OF-2.2Captain 01010th Parachute Battalion Second World War 1944-09-1919 September 1944*
Robert Quigg NOR-2.2Private Royal Irish Rifles First World War 1916-07-011 July 1916
Henry Raby OF-2.3Lieutenant Naval Brigade Crimean War 1855-06-1818 June 1855
Ram Singh OF-2.2Acting Subadar 0011st Punjab Regiment Second World War 1944-10-2525 October 1944*
Henry Ramage NOR-5.2Sergeant 0022nd Dragoons Crimean War 1854-10-2525 October 1854
Rambahadur Limbu NOR-3.2Lance Corporal 01010th Gurkha Rifles Malaysia-Indonesia Confrontation 1965-11-2121 November 1965
Horace Ramsden NOR-2.2Trooper Protectorate Regiment Second Boer War 1899-12-2626 December 1899
John Randle OF-2.2Temp. Captain Royal Norfolk Regiment Second World War 1944-05-044–6 May 1944*
Harry Ranken OF-2.2Captain Royal Army Medical Corps First World War 1914-09-1919–20 September 1914*
William Ratcliffe NOR-2.2Private Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment) First World War 1917-06-1414 June 1917
Reginald Rattey NOR-4.2Corporal 002.2525th Battalion, AIF Second World War 1945-03-2222 March 1945
George Ravenhill NOR-2.2Private Royal Scots Fusiliers Second Boer War 1899-12-1515 December 1899
Walter Rayfield NOR-2.2Private 0077th Battalion, CEF First World War 1918-09-022–4 September 1918
Claud Raymond OF-1.6Lieutenant Corps of Royal Engineers Second World War 1945-03-2121 March 1945*[C]
John Raynes NOR-5.2Acting Sergeant Royal Field Artillery First World War 1915-10-1111 October 1915
William Raynor OF-1.6Lieutenant Bengal Veterans Establishment Indian Mutiny 1857-05-1111 May 1857
Anketell Read OF-2.2Captain Northamptonshire Regiment First World War 1915-09-2525 September 1915*
Herbert Reade OF-1.2Surgeon 06161st Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1414 September 1857
John Readitt NOR-2.2Private Prince of Wales's Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment) First World War 1917-02-2525 February 1917
Hamilton Reed OF-2.2Captain Royal Field Artillery Second Boer War 1899-12-1515 December 1899
Ivor Rees NOR-5.2Sergeant South Wales Borderers First World War 1917-07-3131 July 1917
Lionel Rees OF-3.2Temp. Major No. 032No. 32 Squadron RFC First World War 1916-07-011 July 1916
Thomas Reeves NOR-2.3Able Seaman Naval Brigade Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
Oswald Reid OF-2.2Captain King's (Liverpool Regiment) First World War 1917-03-088–10 March 1917
William Reid OF-1.5Acting Flight Lieutenant No. 061No. 61 Squadron RAF Second World War 1943-11-033 November 1943
Thomas Rendle NOR-2.2Bandsman Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry First World War 1914-11-2020 November 1914
William Rennie OF-1.6Lieutenant 09090th Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-09-2121 September 1857,
25 September 1857[D]
George Renny OF-1.6Lieutenant Bengal Horse Artillery Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1616 September 1857
Douglas Reynolds OF-2.2Captain Royal Field Artillery First World War 1914-08-2626 August 1914
9 September 1914[D]
Henry Reynolds OF-2.2Captain Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) First World War 1917-09-2020 September 1917
James Reynolds OF-3.2Surgeon Major Army Medical DepartmentArmy Medical Department Anglo-Zulu War 1879-02-2222–23 January 1879
William Reynolds NOR-2.2Private Scots Fusiliers Guards Crimean War 1854-09-2020 September 1854
John Rhodes NOR-5.0Lance-Sergeant Grenadier Guards First World War 1917-10-099 October 1917
William Rhodes-Moorhouse OF-1.2Second Lieutenant No. 002No. 2 Squadron RFC First World War 1915-04-2626 April 1915*
Alfred Richards NOR-5.2Sergeant Lancashire Fusiliers First World War 1915-04-2525 April 1915
Arthur Richardson NOR-5.2Sergeant Lord Strathcona's Horse Second Boer War 1900-07-055 July 1900
George Richardson NOR-2.2Private 03434th Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1859-04-2727 April 1859
James Richardson NOR-2.2Piper 01616th Battalion, CEF First World War 1916-10-088 October 1916*
Richhpal Ram OF-2.2Subadar 0066th Rajputana Rifles Second World War 1941-02-077 February 1941
William Rickard NOR-5.3Quartermaster HMS Weser Crimean War 1855-10-1111 October 1855
Thomas Ricketts NOR-2.2Private Royal Newfoundland Regiment First World War 1918-10-1414 October 1918
Richard Ridgeway OF-2.2Captain Bengal Staff Corps Second Naga Hills Expedition 1879-11-2222 November 1879
Frederick Riggs NOR-5.2Sergeant York and Lancaster Regiment First World War 1918-10-011 October 1918*
John Ripley NOR-4.2Corporal Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) First World War 1915-05-099 May 1915
Henry Ritchie OF-4.3Commander HMS Goliath First World War 1914-11-2828 November 1914
Walter Ritchie NOR-2.2Drummer Seaforth Highlanders First World War 1916-07-011 July 1916
Jacob Rivers NOR-2.2Private Sherwood Foresters First World War 1915-03-1212 March 1915*
John Robarts NOR-2.2Gunner HMS Ardent Crimean War 1855-05-2929 May 1855
Frank Roberts OF-4.2Acting Lieutenant Colonel Worcestershire Regiment First World War 1918-03-2222 March 1918 to
2 April 1918[D]
Frederick Roberts OF-1.6Lieutenant King's Royal Rifle Corps Second Boer War 1899-12-1515 December 1899
Frederick Roberts OF-1.6Lieutenant Bengal Horse Artillery Indian Mutiny 1858-01-022 January 1858
James Roberts NOR-2.2Private 0099th Queen's Royal Lancers Indian Mutiny 1857-09-2828 September 1857
Peter Roberts OF-2.3Lieutenant HMS Thrasher Second World War 1942-02-1616 February 1942
Charles Robertson NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Royal Fusiliers First World War 1918-03-088–9 March 1918
Clement Robertson OF-2.2Captain Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment First World War 1917-10-044 October 1917
James Robertson NOR-2.2Private 02727th Battalion, CEF First World War 1917-11-066 November 1917*
William Robertson NOR-8.2Sergeant Major Gordon Highlanders Second Boer War 1899-10-2121 October 1899
Edward Robinson NOR-2.3Able Seaman Naval Brigade Indian Mutiny 1858-03-1313 March 1858
Eric Robinson OF-3.3Lieutenant Commander HMS Vengeance First World War 1915-02-2626 February 1915
Leefe Robinson OF-1.6Lieutenant No. 039No. 39 Squadron RFC First World War 1916-09-022–3 September 1916
Henry Robson NOR-2.2Private Royal Scots (Lothian Regiment) First World War 1914-12-1414 December 1914
Patrick Roddy OF-1.2Ensign Bengal Army Indian Mutiny 1858-09-2727 September 1858
George Rodgers NOR-2.2Private 07171st Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1858-06-1616 June 1858
James Rogers NOR-5.2Sergeant South African Constabulary Second Boer War 1901-06-1515 June 1901
Maurice Rogers NOR-5.2Sergeant Wiltshire Regiment Second World War 1944-06-033 June 1944
Robert Rogers OF-1.6Lieutenant 04444th Regiment of Foot Third China War 1860-08-2121 August 1860
George Rolland OF-2.2Captain 0011st Bombay Grenadiers Third Somaliland Expedition 1903-04-2222 April 1903
Frederick Room NOR-3.2Acting Lance Corporal Royal Irish Regiment First World War 1917-08-1616 August 1917
Gerard Roope OF-3.3Lieutenant Commander HMS Glowworm Second World War 1940-04-088 April 1940
Matthew Rosamund NOR-8.2Sergeant Major 03737th Bengal Native Infantry Indian Mutiny 1857-06-044 June 1857
John Ross NOR-4.2Corporal Corps of Royal Engineers Crimean War 1855-07-2121 July 1855
George Roupell OF-1.6Lieutenant East Surrey Regiment First World War 1915-04-2020 April 1915
Hugh Rowlands OF-2.2Captain 04141st Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
David Rushe NOR-7.2Troop Sergeant Major 0099th Queen's Royal Lancers Indian Mutiny 1858-03-1919 March 1858
Charles Russell OF-3.2Brevet Major Grenadier Guards Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
John Russell OF-2.2Captain Royal Army Medical Corps First World War 1917-11-066 November 1917
Charles Rutherford OF-1.6Lieutenant 0055th Battalion Canadian Mounted Rifles First World War 1918-08-2626 August 1918
William Ruthven NOR-5.2Sergeant 02222nd Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-05-1919 May 1918
John Ryan NOR-2.2Private 0011st Madras European Fusiliers Indian Mutiny 1857-09-2626 September 1857
John Ryan NOR-2.2Private 06565th Regiment of Foot New Zealand Wars 1863-09-077 September 1863
John Ryan NOR-3.2Lance Corporal 05555th Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-09-3030 September 1918
Miles Ryan NOR-2.2Drummer 0011st Bengal European Regiment Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1414 September 1857
Robert Ryder NOR-2.2Private Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment) First World War 1916-09-2626 September 1916
Robert Ryder OF-4.3Commander HMS Campbeltown Second World War 1942-03-2828 March 1942
Clifford Sadlier OF-1.6Lieutenant 05151st Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-04-2424–25 April 1918
Thomas Sage NOR-2.2Private Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert's) First World War 1917-10-044 October 1917
Philip Salkeld OF-1.6Lieutenant Bengal Sappers and Miners Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1414 September 1857
Nowell Salmon OF-2.3Lieutenant Naval Brigade Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1616 November 1857
George Samson NOR-1.3Seaman Royal Naval Reserve First World War 1915-04-2525 April 1915
George Sanders NOR-4.2Corporal Prince of Wales's Own (West Yorkshire Regiment) First World War 1916-07-011 July 1916
William Sanders OF-2.3Lieutenant HMS Prize First World War 1917-04-3030 April 1917
Richard Sandford OF-2.3Lieutenant HMS C3 First World War 1918-04-2222–23 April 1918
Willward Sandys-Clarke OF-1.6Lieutenant Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) Second World War 1943-04-2323 April 1943*
Euston Sartorious OF-2.2Captain 05959th Regiment of Foot Second Afghan War 1879-10-2424 October 1879
Reginald Sartorius OF-3.2Major 0066th Bengal Cavalry First Ashanti Expedition 1874-01-1717 January 1874
Arthur Saunders NOR-5.2Sergeant Suffolk Regiment First World War 1915-09-2626 September 1915
William Savage NOR-2.3Able Seaman HM Motor Gun BoatHM Motor Gun Boat Second World War 1942-03-2828 March 1942*
John Sayer NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Queen's (Royal West Surrey) Regiment First World War 1918-03-2121 March 1918[C]
Arthur Scarf OF-3.1Squadron Leader No. 062No. 62 Squadron RAF Second World War 1941-12-099 December 1941*
Christian Schiess NOR-4.2Corporal Natal Native Contingent Anglo-Zulu War 1879-02-2222–23 January 1879
Harry Schofield OF-2.2Captain Royal Field Artillery Second Boer War 1899-12-1515 December 1899
John Schofield OF-1.2Temp. Second Lieutenant Lancashire Fusiliers First World War 1918-04-099 April 1918*
Mark Scholefield NOR-1.3Seaman Naval Brigade Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
Andrew Scott OF-2.2Captain Bengal Staff Corps Baluchistan 1877-07-2626 July 1877
Robert Scott NOR-2.2Private Manchester Regiment Second Boer War 1900-01-066 January 1900
Robert Scott NOR-5.2Sergeant Cape Mounted Riflemen Basuto War 1879-04-088 April 1879
Francis Scrimger OF-2.2Captain Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps First World War 1915-04-2525 April 1915
Derek Seagrim OF-4.2Temp. Lieutenant Colonel Green Howards Second World War 1943-03-2020–21 March 1943
Ernest Seaman NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers First World War 1918-09-2929 September 1918*
William Seeley NOR-1.3Seaman HMS Eurayalus Bombardment of Shimonoseki 1864-09-066 September 1864
George Sellar NOR-3.2Lance Corporal 07272nd Regiment of Foot Second Afghan War 1879-12-1414 December 1879
Alfred Sephton NOR-5.3Petty Officer HMS Coventry Second World War 1941-05-1818 May 1941*[C]
Cecil Sewell OF-1.6Lieutenant Queen's Own (Royal West Kent Regiment) First World War 1918-08-2929 August 1918*
Shahamad Khan NOR-4.2Naik 08989th Punjab Regiment First World War 1916-04-1212–13 April 1916
Robert Shankland OF-1.6Lieutenant 04343rd Battalion, CEF First World War 1917-10-2626 October 1917
Charles Sharpe NOR-4.2Acting Corporal Lincolnshire Regiment First World War 1915-05-099 May 1915
John Shaul NOR-4.2Corporal Highland Light Infantry Second Boer War 1899-12-1111 December 1899
Hugh Shaw OF-2.2Captain 01818th Regiment of Foot New Zealand Wars 1865-01-2424 January 1865
Same Shaw NOR-2.2Private Rifle Brigade Indian Mutiny 1858-06-1313 June 1858
Robert Shebbeare OF-1.6Lieutenant 06060th Bengal Native Infantry Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1414 September 1857
Albert Shepherd NOR-2.2Private King's Royal Rifle Corps First World War 1917-11-2020 November 1917
John Sheppard NOR-5.3Boatswain's Mate Naval Brigade Crimean War 1855-07-1515 July 1855
Sher Thapa NOR-2.2Rifleman 0099th Gurkha Rifles Second World War 1944-09-1818–19 September 1944*
Sher Shah NOR-3.2Lance Naik 01616th Punjab Regiment Second World War 1945-01-1919–20 January 1945*
Robert Sherbrooke OF-5.3Captain HMS Onslow Second World War 1942-12-3131 December 1942
John Sherwood-Kelly OF-4.2Acting Lieutenant Colonel Norfolk Regiment First World War 1917-11-2020 November 1917
Robert Shields NOR-4.2Corporal Royal Welch Fusiliers Crimean War 1855-09-088 September 1855
William Short NOR-2.2Private Green Howards First World War 1916-08-066 August 1916*
Alfred Shout OF-2.2Captain 0011st Battalion, AIF First World War 1915-08-099 August 1915*
William Sidney OF-3.2Temp. Major Grenadier Guards Second World War 1944-02-088–9 February 1944
Ellis Sifton NOR-5.0Lance-Sergeant 01818th Battalion, CEF First World War 1917-04-099 April 1917*
John Simpson NOR-8.2Quartermaster Sergeant 04242nd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1858-04-1515 April 1858
Ray Simpson NOR-8.2Warrant Officer Class II Australian Army Training Team Vietnam Vietnam War 1969-05-066–11 May 1969
John Sims NOR-2.2Private 03434th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1855-06-1818 June 1855
John Sinnott NOR-4.2Corporal 08484th Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-10-066 October 1857
John Sinton OF-2.2Captain Indian Medical Service First World War 1916-01-2121 January 1916
John Skinner NOR-8.2Company Sergeant Major King's Own Scottish Borderers First World War 1917-08-1818 August 1917
Michael Sleavon NOR-4.2Corporal Corps ofCorps of Royal Engineers Indian Mutiny 1858-04-033 April 1858
Alfred Smith NOR-2.2Gunner Royal Regiment of Artillery Sudan Campaign 1885-01-1717 January 1885
Alfred Smith OF-1.2Second Lieutenant East Lancashire Regiment First World War 1915-12-2323 December 1915
Archibald Smith OF-2.3Temp. Lieutenant Royal Naval Reserve First World War 1917-03-1010 March 1917*
Clement Smith OF-1.6Lieutenant Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry Fourth Somaliland Expedition 1904-01-1010 January 1904
Edward Smith NOR-5.0Lance-Sergeant Lancashire Fusiliers First World War 1918-08-2121–23 August 1918
Ernest Smith NOR-2.2Private 0011st Canadian Infantry Division Second World War 1944-10-2121–22 October 1944
Philip Smith NOR-4.2Corporal 01717th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1855-06-1818 June 1855
Frederick Smith OF-2.2Captain 04343rd Regiment of Foot New Zealand Wars 1864-01-2121 January 1864
Henry Smith NOR-3.2Lance Corporal 05252nd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1414 September 1857
Issy Smith NOR-4.2Acting Corporal Manchester Regiment First World War 1915-04-2626 April 1915
James Smith NOR-4.2Corporal Corps of Royal Engineers Mohmand Campaign 1897-09-1616 September 1897
James Smith NOR-2.2Private Border Regiment First World War 1914-12-2121 December 1914
John Smith NOR-5.2Sergeant Bengal Sappers and Miners Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1414 September 1857
John Smith NOR-2.2Private 0011st Madras European Fusiliers Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1616 November 1857
John Smith OF-1.6Lieutenant 0055th Gurkha Rifles Hunza-Naga Campaign 1891-12-2020 December 1891
John Smyth OF-1.6Lieutenant 01515th Ludhiana Sikhs First World War 1915-05-1818 May 1915
Nevill Smyth OF-2.2Captain 0022nd Dragoon Guards Sudan Campaign 1898-09-022 September 1898
Quentin Smythe NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Natal Carabineers Second World War 1942-06-055 June 1942
James Somers NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers First World War 1915-07-011–2 July 1915
Charles Spackman NOR-5.2Sergeant Border Regiment First World War 1917-11-2020 November 1917
Robert Spall NOR-5.2Sergeant Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry First World War 1918-08-1313 August 1918
Bill Speakman NOR-2.2Private Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) Korean War 1951-11-044 November 1951
David Spence NOR-7.2Troop Sergeant Major 0099th Queen's Royal Lancers Indian Mutiny 1858-01-1717 January 1858
Edward Spence NOR-2.2Private 04242nd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1858-04-1515 April 1858
Dudley Stagpoole NOR-2.2Drummer 05757th Regiment of Foot New Zealand Wars 1863-10-022 October 1863
William Stanlake NOR-2.2Private Coldstream Guards Crimean War 1854-10-2626 October 1854
Richard Stannard OF-2.3Lieutenant HMT Arab Second World War 1940-04-2828 April 1940 to
2 May 1940[D]
Leslie Starcevich NOR-2.2Private 002.432/43rd Battalion, AIF Second World War 1945-06-2828 June 1945
Percy Statton NOR-5.2Sergeant 04040th Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-08-1010–12 August 1918
Gordon Steele OF-2.3Lieutenant HM Coastal Motor Boat 88 North Russia Relief Force 1919-08-1818 August 1919
Thomas Steele NOR-5.2Sergeant Seaforth Highlanders First World War 1917-02-2222 February 1917
William Stewart OF-2.2Captain 09393rd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1616 November 1857
James Stokes NOR-2.2Private King's Shropshire Light Infantry Second World War 1945-03-011 March 1945*
Charles Stone NOR-2.2Gunner Royal Field Artillery First World War 1918-03-2121 March 1918
Walter Stone OF-2.2Acting Captain Royal Fusiliers First World War 1917-11-3030 November 1917*
Percy Storkey OF-1.6Lieutenant 01919th Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-04-077 April 1918
Harcus Strachan OF-1.6Lieutenant The Fort Garry Horse First World War 1917-11-2020 November 1917
George Stringer NOR-2.2Private Manchester Regiment First World War 1916-03-088 March 1916
George Strong NOR-2.2Private Coldstream Guards Crimean War 1855-09-00September 1855
Ronald Stuart OF-2.3Lieutenant HMS Pargust First World War 1917-06-077 June 1917
Frank Stubbs NOR-5.2Sergeant Lancashire Fusiliers First World War 1915-04-2525 April 1915*
Sefanaia Sukanaivalu NOR-4.2Corporal Fiji Infantry Regiment Second World War 1944-06-2323 June 1944*
Arthur Sullivan NOR-4.2Corporal Royal Fusiliers North Russia Relief Force 1919-08-1010 August 1919
John Sullivan NOR-5.3Boatswain's Mate Naval Brigade Crimean War 1855-04-1010 April 1855
William Sutton NOR-2.2Bugler 06060th Rifles Indian Mutiny 1857-08-022 August 1857 to
13 September 1857[D]
Edwin Swales OF-3.2Acting Major No. 582No. 582 Squadron RAF Second World War 1945-02-2323 February 1945*
Ernest Sykes NOR-2.2Private Northumberland Fusiliers First World War 1917-04-1919 April 1917
William Sylvester NOR-3.0Assistant surgeon Royal Welch Fusiliers Crimean War 1855-09-088 September 1855
George Symons NOR-5.2Sergeant Royal Regiment of Artillery Crimean War 1855-06-066 June 1855
William Symons OF-1.2Second Lieutenant 0077th Battalion, AIF First World War 1915-08-088–9 August 1915
James Tait OF-1.6Lieutenant 07878th Battalion, CEF First World War 1918-08-1111 August 1918*
Henry Tandey NOR-2.2Private Duke of Wellington's (West Riding Regiment) First World War 1918-09-2828 September 1918
John Taylor NOR-5.3Captain of the Forecastle Naval Brigade Crimean War 1855-06-1818 June 1855
Christopher Teesdale OF-1.6Lieutenant Royal Regiment of Artillery Crimean War 1855-09-2229 September 1855
William Temple NOR-3.0Assistant surgeon Royal Artillery New Zealand Wars 1863-11-2020 November 1863
Edward Thackeray OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Bengal Sappers and Miners Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1616 September 1857
Thaman Gurung NOR-2.2Rifleman 0085th Gurkha Rifles Second World War 1944-11-1010 November 1944*
Jacob Thomas NOR-3.2Bombardier Bengal Artillery Indian Mutiny 1857-09-2727 September 1857
John Thomas NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Prince of Wales's (North Staffordshire Regiment) First World War 1917-11-3030 November 1917
Alexander Thompson NOR-3.2Lance Corporal 04242nd Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1858-04-155 April 1858
George Thompson NOR-7.1Flight Sergeant No. 009No. 9 Squadron RAF Second World War 1945-01-011 January 1945*[C]
James Thompson NOR-2.2Private 06060th Rifles Indian Mutiny 1857-07-099 July 1857
Hugo Throssell OF-1.2Second Lieutenant 01010th Light Horse Regiment First World War 1915-08-2929–30 August 1915
Frederick Tilston OF-3.2Acting Major Essex Scottish Regiment Second World War 1945-03-011 March 1945
Arthur Tisdall OF-1.7Sub-Lieutenant Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve First World War 1915-04-2525 April 1915
Ross Tollerton NOR-2.2Private Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders First World War 1914-09-1414 September 1914
Henry Tombs OF-3.2Major Bengal Horse Artillery Indian Mutiny 1857-07-099 July 1857
Joseph Tombs NOR-3.2Lance Corporal King's (Liverpool Regiment) First World War 1915-06-1616 June 1915
Frederick Topham NOR-4.2Corporal 0011st Canadian Parachute Battalion Second World War 1945-03-2424 March 1945
James Towers NOR-2.2Private Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) First World War 1918-10-066 October 1918
Edgar Towner OF-1.6Lieutenant 0022nd Machine Gun Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-09-011 September 1918
Ernest Towse OF-2.2Captain Gordon Highlanders Second Boer War 1899-12-1111 December 1899
Alfred Toye OF-2.2Acting Captain Duke of Cambridge's Own (Middlesex Regiment) First World War 1918-03-2525 March 1918
Charles Train NOR-4.2Corporal London Scottish Regiment First World War 1917-12-088 December 1917
James Travers OF-5.2Colonel 0022nd Bengal Native Infantry Indian Mutiny 1857-07-00July 1857
Richard Travis NOR-5.2Sergeant Otago Infantry Regiment First World War 1918-07-2424 July 1918*
William Traynor NOR-5.2Sergeant West Yorkshire Regiment Second Boer War 1901-02-066 February 1901
Leonard Trent OF-3.1Squadron Leader No. 487No. 487 Squadron RNZAF Second World War 1943-05-033 May 1943
William Trevor OF-3.2Major Bengal Engineers Bhutan War 1865-04-3030 April 1865
Joseph Trewavas NOR-1.3Seaman HMS Beagle Crimean War 1855-07-033 July 1855
Lloyd Trigg OF-1.5Flying Officer No. 200No. 200 Squadron RAF Second World War 1943-08-1111 August 1943*
Paul Triquet OF-2.2Captain Royal 22e Régiment Second World War 1943-12-1414 December 1943
Frederick Tubb OF-1.6Lieutenant 0077th Battalion, AIF First World War 1915-08-099 August 1915
Tul Pun NOR-2.2Rifleman 0066th Gurkha Rifles Second World War 1944-06-2323 June 1944
James Turnbull NOR-5.2Sergeant Highland Light Infantry First World War 1916-07-011 July 1916*
Alexander Turner OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Regiment) First World War 1915-09-2828 September 1915*[C]
Hanson Turner NOR-5.2Acting Sergeant West Yorkshire Regiment (The Prince of Wales's Own) Second World War 1944-06-066–7 June 1944*
Richard Turner OF-1.6Lieutenant Royal Canadian Dragoons Second Boer War 1900-11-077 November 1900
Samuel Turner NOR-2.2Private 06060th Rifles Indian Mutiny 1857-06-1919 June 1857
Victor Turner OF-4.2Temp. Lieutenant Colonel Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) Second World War 1942-10-2727 October 1942
Thomas Turrall NOR-2.2Private Worcestershire Regiment First World War 1916-07-033 July 1916
John Tytler OF-1.6Lieutenant 06666th Bengal Native Infantry Indian Mutiny 1858-02-1010 February 1858
Umrao Singh NOR-5.2Havildar 08181st West African Division Second World War 1944-12-1515–16 December 1944
Edward Unwin OF-5.3Captain HMS River Clyde First World War 1915-04-2222 April 1915
Charles Upham OF-1.2Second Lieutenant
00220th Battalion, NZEF Second World War 1941-05-2222–30 May 1941
14–15 July 1942[B]
James Upton NOR-4.2Corporal Sherwood Foresters First World War 1915-05-099 May 1915
John Vallentin OF-2.2Captain South Staffordshire Regiment First World War 1914-11-077 November 1914*
Bernard Vann OF-4.2Acting Lieutenant Colonel Sherwood Foresters First World War 1918-09-2929 September 1918
Theodore Veale NOR-2.2Private Devonshire Regiment First World War 1916-07-2020 July 1916
John Vereker OF-4.2Acting Lieutenant Colonel Grenadier Guards First World War 1918-09-2727 September 1918
Arthur Vickers NOR-2.2Private Royal Warwickshire Regiment First World War 1915-09-2525 September 1915
Charles Vickers OF-2.2Temp. Captain Sherwood Foresters First World War 1915-10-1414 October 1915
Samuel Vickery NOR-2.2Private Dorset Regiment Tirah Campaign 1897-10-2020 October 1897
William Vousden OF-2.2Captain 0055th Punjab Cavalry Second Afghan War 1879-12-1414 December 1879
Richard Wadeson OF-1.6Lieutenant 07575th Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-07-1717 July 1857
Richard Wain OF-2.2Captain Tank CorpsTank Corps First World War 1917-11-2020 November 1917*
Richard Wakeford OF-2.2Temp. Captain Hampshire Regiment Second World War 1944-05-1313 May 1944
Adam Wakenshaw NOR-2.2Private Durham Light Infantry Second World War 1942-06-2727 June 1942*
Garth Walford OF-2.2Captain Royal Artillery First World War 1915-04-2626 April 1915*
Mark Walker OF-1.6Lieutenant 03030th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
William Walker OF-2.2Captain 0044th Gurkha Rifles Third Somaliland Expedition 1903-04-2222 April 1903
Samuel Wallace OF-1.6Temp. Lieutenant Royal Field Artillery First World War 1917-11-2020 November 1917
George Waller OF-1.6Lieutenant 06060th Rifles Indian Mutiny 1857-09-1414 September 1857,
18 September 1857[D]
Horace Waller NOR-2.2Private King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) First World War 1917-04-1010 April 1917*
William Waller OF-1.6Lieutenant 02525th Bombay Light Infantry Indian Mutiny 1858-06-2020 June 1858
George Walters NOR-5.2Sergeant 04949th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1854-11-055 November 1854
Malcolm Wanklyn OF-3.3Lieutenant Commander HMS Upholder Second World War 1941-05-2424 May 1941
Bernard Warburton-Lee OF-5.3Captain HMS Hardy Second World War 1940-04-1010 April 1940*
Charles Ward NOR-2.2Private King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Second Boer War 1900-06-2626 June 1900
Henry Ward NOR-2.2Private 07878th Regiment of Foot Indian Mutiny 1857-09-2525 September 1857
James Ward NOR-5.2Sergeant No. 075No. 75 Squadron RAF Second World War 1941-07-077 July 1941
Joseph Ward NOR-5.2Sergeant 0088th King's Royal Irish Hussars Indian Mutiny 1858-06-1717 June 1858
Sidney Ware NOR-4.2Corporal Seaforth Highlanders First World War 1916-04-066 April 1916
William Waring NOR-5.0Lance-Sergeant Royal Welsh Fusiliers First World War 1918-09-1818 September 1918*
Blair Wark OF-3.2Major 03232nd Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-09-2929 September 1918 to
1 October 1918[D]
Reginald Warneford OF-1.7Flight Sub-Lieutenant No. 001No. 1 Squadron RNAS First World War 1915-06-077 June 1915
Edward Warner NOR-2.2Private Bedfordshire Regiment First World War 1915-05-011 May 1915*
Samuel Wassall NOR-2.2Private 08080th Regiment of Foot Anglo-Zulu War 1879-01-2222 January 1879
Arnold Waters OF-3.2Acting Major Corps of Royal Engineers First World War 1918-11-044 November 1918
Tasker Watkins OF-1.6Lieutenant Welch Regiment Second World War 1944-08-1616 August 1944
John Watson OF-1.6Lieutenant 0033rd Bombay European Regiment Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1414 November 1857
Oliver Watson OF-4.2Acting Lieutenant Colonel King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) First World War 1918-03-2828 March 1918*
Thomas Watson OF-1.6Lieutenant Corps of Royal Engineers Mohmand Campaign 1897-09-1616 September 1897
Joseph Watt Skipper Royal Naval Reserve First World War 1917-05-1515 May 1917
Henry Weale NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Royal Welsh Fusiliers First World War 1918-08-2626 August 1918
Frank Wearne OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Essex Regiment First World War 1917-06-2828 June 1917*
Lawrence Weathers NOR-4.2Temp. Corporal 04343rd Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-09-022 September 1918
James Welch NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Princess Charlotte of Wales's (Royal Berkshire Regiment) First World War 1917-04-2929 April 1917
Harry Wells OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Royal Sussex Regiment First World War 1915-09-2525 September 1915*
Ferdinand West OF-2.2Captain No. 008No. 8 Squadron RFC First World War 1918-08-1212 August 1918
Richard West OF-4.2Acting Lieutenant Colonel North Irish Horse First World War 1918-09-022 September 1918*
William Weston OF-1.6Lieutenant Green Howards Second World War 1945-03-033 March 1945
Francis Wheatley NOR-2.2Private Rifle Brigade (Prince Consort's Own) Crimean War 1854-10-1212 October 1854
Kevin Wheatley NOR-8.2Warrant Officer Class II Australian Army Training Team Vietnam Vietnam War 1965-11-1313 November 1965*
George Wheeler OF-3.2Major 0099th Gurkha Rifles First World War 1917-02-2323 February 1917
George Wheeler OF-3.2Major 0077th Hariana Lancers First World War 1915-04-1212–13 April 1915*
Frederick Whirlpool NOR-2.2Private 0011st Punjab Cavalry Indian Mutiny 1858-04-033 April 1858,
2 May 1858[D]
Harry Whitchurch OF-2.2Surgeon Captain Indian Medical Service Chitral Expedition 1895-03-033 March 1895
Albert White NOR-5.2Sergeant South Wales Borderers First World War 1917-05-1919 May 1917*
Archie White OF-2.2Temp. Captain Green Howards First World War 1916-09-2121 September 1916 to
1 October 1916[D]
Geoffrey White OF-3.3Lieutenant Commander HMS E14 First World War 1918-01-2828 January 1918*
George White OF-3.2Major 09292nd Regiment of Foot Second Afghan War 1879-10-066 October 1879
Jack White NOR-2.2Private King's Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment) First World War 1917-03-077 March 1917
William White OF-1.2Temp. Second Lieutenant Machine Gun Corps First World War 1918-09-1818 September 1918
Harold Whitfield NOR-2.2Private King's (Shropshire Light Infantry) First World War 1918-03-1010 March 1918
Thomas Whitham NOR-2.2Private Coldstream Guards First World War 1917-07-3131 July 1917
John Whittle NOR-5.2Sergeant 01212th Battalion, AIF First World War 1917-04-099–10 April 1917
Alfred Wilcox NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry First World War 1918-09-1212 September 1918
Alfred Wilkinson NOR-2.2Private Manchester Regiment First World War 1918-10-2020 October 1918
Thomas Wilkinson NOR-3.2Bombardier Royal Marine Artillery Crimean War 1855-06-077 June 1855
Thomas Wilkinson OF-1.6Temp. Lieutenant Loyal North Lancashire Regiment First World War 1916-07-055 July 1916
Thomas Wilkinson OF-2.3Temp. Lieutenant HMS Li Wo Second World War 1942-02-1414 February 1942*
John Williams NOR-2.2Private 02424th Regiment of Foot Anglo-Zulu War 1879-02-2222–23 January 1879
John Williams NOR-8.2Company Sergeant Major South Wales Borderers First World War 1918-10-077–8 October 1918
William Williams NOR-1.3Seaman Royal Naval Reserve First World War 1917-06-077 June 1917
William Williams NOR-2.3Able Seaman HMS River Clyde First World War 1915-04-2525 April 1915*
Richard Willis OF-2.2Captain Lancashire Fusiliers First World War 1915-04-2525 April 1915
Henry Wilmot OF-2.2Captain Rifle Brigade Indian Mutiny 1858-03-1111 March 1858
Arthur Wilson OF-5.3Captain HMS Hecla Sudan Campaign 1884-02-2929 February 1884
Eric Wilson OF-2.2Acting Captain East Surrey Regiment Second World War 1940-08-1111–15 August 1940
George Wilson NOR-2.2Private Highland Light Infantry First World War 1914-09-1414 September 1914
Harry Wood NOR-4.2Corporal Scots Guards First World War 1918-10-1313 October 1918
Evelyn Wood OF-1.6Lieutenant 01717th Lancers Indian Mutiny 1858-10-1919 October 1858
John Wood OF-2.2Captain 02020th Bombay Native Infantry Anglo-Persian War 1856-08-099 December 1856
Wilfred Wood NOR-2.2Private Northumberland Fusiliers First World War 1918-10-2828 October 1918
Joseph Woodall NOR-5.0Lance-Sergeant Prince Consort's Own (Rifle Brigade) First World War 1918-04-1111 April 1918
Thomas Woodcock NOR-2.2Private Irish Guards First World War 1917-09-1212–13 September 1917
Charles Wooden NOR-5.2Sergeant 01717th Lancers Crimean War 1854-10-2626 October 1854
Sidney Woodroffe OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Prince Consort's Own (Rifle Brigade) First World War 1915-07-3030 July 1915*
James Woods NOR-2.2Private 04848th Battalion, AIF First World War 1918-09-1818 September 1918
Geoffrey Woolley OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Queen Victoria's Rifles First World War 1915-04-2020–21 April 1915
Alexander Wright NOR-2.2Private 07777th Regiment of Foot Crimean War 1855-03-2222 March 1855
19 April 1855
Peter Wright NOR-8.2Company Sergeant Major Coldstream Guards Second World War 1943-09-2525 September 1943
Theodore Wright OF-2.2Captain Corps of Royal Engineers First World War 1914-08-2323 August 1914
14 September 1914*[D]
Wallace Wright OF-1.6Lieutenant 0022nd Regiment of Foot Kano-Sokoto Expedition 1903-02-2626 February 1903
George Wyatt NOR-3.2Lance Corporal Coldstream Guards First World War 1914-08-2525–26 August 1914
Guy Wylly OF-1.6Lieutenant 0011st Tasmanian Imperial Bushmen Second Boer War 1900-09-011 September 1900
Charles Yate OF-3.2Major King's Own (Yorkshire Light Infantry) First World War 1914-08-2626 August 1914
Yeshwant Ghadge NOR-4.2Naik Maratha Light Infantry Second World War 1944-07-1010 July 1944*
Frederick Youens OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Durham Light Infantry First World War 1917-07-077 July 1917*
Jack Youll OF-1.6Lieutenant Northumberland Fusiliers First World War 1918-06-1515 June 1918
Alexander Young NOR-8.2Sergeant Major Cape Police Second Boer War 1901-08-1313 August 1901
Frank Young OF-1.2Second Lieutenant Hertfordshire Regiment First World War 1918-09-1818 September 1918*
John Young NOR-2.2Private 08787th Battalion, CEF First World War 1918-09-022 September 1918
Thomas Young NOR-2.2Private Durham Light Infantry First World War 1918-03-2525–31 March 1918
Thomas Young OF-2.3Lieutenant Naval Brigade Indian Mutiny 1857-11-1616 November 1857
William Young NOR-2.2Private East Lancashire Regiment First World War 1915-12-2222 December 1915
David Younger OF-2.2Captain Gordon Highlanders Second Boer War 1900-07-1111 July 1900
Raphael Zengell NOR-5.2Sergeant 0055th Battalion, CEF First World War 1918-08-099 August 1918


  • ^ Between 1858 and 1881, the Victoria Cross could be awarded for actions taken "under circumstances of extreme danger" not in the face of the enemy. O'Hea single-handedly put out a fire in an ammunition cart, and was awarded the VC for that action. This rule was changed in 1881 to allow only acts "in the presence of the enemy".[13]
  • ^ This was a Bar to the Victoria Cross.
  • ^ Recipient died of their wounds.
  • ^ Recipient awarded the Victoria Cross for multiple acts of valour or for an extended period of sustained courage and outstanding leadership, rather than a single act of valour.
  • ^ Parslow and Smith were Masters in the Merchant Navy and as civilians, they were not eligible for the VC. They were both posthumously promoted to Lieutenant in the Royal Naval Reserve (RNR) to facilitate the awarding of the VC.[14]
  • ^ Newton was captured by Japanese forces and beheaded 11 days later.[15]


  • Arthur, Max (2005). Symbol of Courage; Men behind the Medal. Pan Books. ISBN 978-0-330-49133-4.
  • Ashcroft, Michael (2006). Victoria Cross Heroes. Headline Book Publishing. ISBN 0-7553-1632-0.
  • Brazier, Kevin (2010). The Complete Victoria Cross. Pen & Sword Military. ISBN 978-1-84884-150-5.
  • Crook, M. J. (1975). The Evolution of the Victoria Cross. Midas Books. ISBN 0-85936-041-5.
  • "Victoria Cross Registers". The National Archives. Retrieved 11 April 2008.
  1. ^ a b Crook, M. J., chapter 8, pp. 68–90.
  2. ^ "No. 27986". The London Gazette. 15 January 1907. p. 325.
  3. ^ "No. 31946". The London Gazette. 18 June 1920. p. 6702.
  4. ^ Ashcroft, Michael; pp. 14–18.
  5. ^ Arthur, Max; pp. 185–371.
  6. ^ "The Victoria Cross". Imperial War Museum Exhibits and Firearms Collections. Archived from the original on 27 September 2011. Retrieved 30 September 2006.
  7. ^ Arthur, Max; p. xiv.
  8. ^ "SAS digger awarded VC for taking on Taliban". Sydney Morning Herald. 23 January 2011. Retrieved 23 January 2011.
  9. ^ "Press kit related to July 2007 gallantry awards (NZ)" (PDF). NZ Government through news agency. 2 July 2007. Retrieved 3 July 2007.
  10. ^ Ashcroft, Michael; p. 17.
  11. ^ Ashcroft, Michael; p. 18.
  12. ^ Brazier, Kevin; p. 11.
  13. ^ "VC background". British War Graves Memorial. Archived from the original on 6 October 2007. Retrieved 7 April 2008.
  14. ^ Staunton, Anthony (1 September 2004). "Civilian VCs". Sabretache. Military Historical Society of Australia.
  15. ^ Arthur, Max; p. 38.